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6220 Angus Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina 27617, US
6220 Angus Drive Raleigh North Carolina 27617 US

Natrx uses advanced technology and manufacturing to tackle coastal resilience, restoration, and protection challenges with high-performance, nature-based solutions. We work with a range of clients from industrial asset owners to homeowners experiencing erosion risk. Our approach delivers results for our clients with lower costs, enhanced resilience, and improved ecological outcomes vs. traditional building techniques like rock.

What We Do:
Natrx provides a proven new approach to tackling coastal resilience and restoration challenges through the use of proprietary, advanced technology and manufacturing. Using our remote sensing technology, ReadyQuote, we can go from an initial site input session to a plan for engagement in one day – sometimes faster. We understand the complexities of taking on erosion issues and we’ve created an approach built to be able to move quickly, safely, and more efficiently than traditional methods.

We can work directly with asset owners and homeowners and we also partner with contractors and engineers to develop the most appropriate solutions. Resilience and restoration challenges can be complex, our approach makes tackling them refreshingly simple.

  • Nature-Based Resilience Solutions
  • Living Shoreline Design
  • Target Habitat for Relevant Coastal Species
  • Remote Nature-Based Asset Health Monitoring and Analysis
  • Site Planning
  • Permitting
  • Construction Management

  • 4 issued patents on estuarine and coastal shoreline armoring concepts
  • 50,000+ of living shoreline solutions completed with our technology
  • Additional 58,000 linear feet currently permitted
  • 2019 Innovation of the Year Award American Society of Civil Engineers: Biogenic Shorelines
  • RISE Resilience Winner Hampton Roads 2020
  • Winner of Royal Dutch Shell Gamechanger Program for Coastal Innovation

Example Natrx Projects:
Hog Island

A nature-based wetland protection and habitat restoration solution using Natrx ExoForms™ along Hog Island in Gloucester County, Virginia, an area which has historically experienced severe erosion. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration identifies Hog Island as a top priority for Federal Chesapeake Bay habitat restoration activities.
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* documents and photos coming soon

East River Living Shoreline

Natrx addressed significant erosion issues on a residential peninsula property with ExoForm™ structures. Natrx worked with a local contractor to plan and produce a modular ExoForm design that was safe, efficient, and low impact to install. Installation of ExoForms was completed within one week.

* documents and photos coming soon

Hoffler Creek

Natrx worked with the James River Association to design a living shoreline solution for a property facing severe damage and erosion due to heavy storms in the area. The wave energy at this site was higher than most living shoreline solutions could withstand but Natrx ExoForms™ were utilized to effectively stabilize the site and maintain a natural aesthetic appearance.

* documents and photos coming soon

Document Downloads:

Get Started with Natrx:

The Natrx approach is designed to be straightforward and transparent. We can work directly with asset owners or with their contractor or engineer partners.

To get learn more about how Natrx solutions could be right for your project, get in touch here.

Ron Gorton, Golden Oyster Marine Services

We were moving and installing reef modules in record time. Installation of Natrx’s ExoForms is a straightforward process where everyone is able to work together quickly, safely, and efficiently.

Natrx has gone above and beyond for us. With their Natrx Assess capability it’s unbelievable what they can do—From providing an in-depth, ten-year history of site conditions, to understanding exactly where to place reefs for maximum impact at minimal cost.

Wayne Savage, Senior Engineer, Bay Design Group

We started with a plan for a traditional stone breakwater and the project cost was out of reach. Natrx put together an approach that was not only cost effective but also enhanced the look of the shoreline while protecting it from very large storms.

You have rock – that everyone has always thought was the be-all, end-all – and then you get this new product from Natrx and it outperforms rock in big storms.

Lewie Lawrence, Executive Director, Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission

By working with companies like Natrx, we can offer more efficient technologies and design more effective solutions that are also cost effective. To be viable in the flood mitigation space, new solutions can’t be costly. The solution has to match the pocketbook.

The speed with which we can address coastal issues with Natrx versus having to pile up rocks is a significant advantage. Our contractor was able to deploy 80 feet per day of custom Natrx ExoForms weighing 800-plus pounds each. It’s unheard of to be able to protect that much shoreline that quickly.

Natrx is easy to work with because they’ve been in the space longer than other companies and have the practical experience required to tackle all the challenges associated with addressing these issues.

Natrx is a Recognized Leader:

Natrx founders have over twenty publications and five issued patents for advanced nature-based coastal protection, and have deployed over 50,000 tons of biogenic living shoreline solutions in the past 15 years.

Our approach has led to meaningful work with some of the biggest names in infrastructure protection and sustainability science:

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Showing 18 results
Green Stream Technologies, Inc.
Click our company name to learn more.
3331 Heritage Trade Drive
Wake Forest, North Carolina 27587, US
22.56 km
Green Stream Technologies makes it easy and affordable to monitor and report flooding in real tim...
Showing 1 result
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Simply put, Fight the Flood connects property owners to contractors who can help them protect their property from rising flood waters and the financial tools available to fund those projects.

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