All businesses listed in this directory provide services to the Middle Peninsula.
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518 Rhododendron Road
Hillsville, Virginia 24343, US
518 Rhododendron Road Hillsville Virginia 24343 US

*Emerging company and RISE winner.

Golden Oyster Marine Services LLC doing business as Golden Oyster Shoreline Restoration. Certified installer for SOX Erosion Solutions. We specialize in shoreline erosion control and shoreline dredging utilizing water science (flocculant polymer). Flocculant is a dewatering system that increases the size of particulate allowing for placement of dredge material in SOX or geotextiles. These can be transported off site, or potentially be reincorporated for use in a living shoreline design. We deliver and install oyster reefs and living shoreline sills on our shallow draft 35’ pontoon barge.

logo-golden-oyster-2024.jpeg 10 months ago
APRIL-4-2024-7-GoldenOyster.jpg 10 months ago
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Simply put, Fight the Flood connects property owners to contractors who can help them protect their property from rising flood waters and the financial tools available to fund those projects.

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