The Challenge

For folks who have lived along the water all of their lives, there are low-tech, tried and true solutions in place for monitoring water levels.

You know, for example, that when the water reaches the top of your neighbor’s bulk head, that means your driveway is likely flooded, too.

Or when the water reaches the third step of your dock you won’t be able to get out of your driveway.

But what about people who are new to living on the water, who are still becoming students of the water? Or folks who want to be able to monitor the water level with a more technical solution?

Flooded streets with high water levels after a storm

Dark storm clouds over a beach on the Rappahannock River

The Solution

There’s an app for that.

Technologies are available for homeowners to access water level data at their fingertips. Some include intuitive and interactive maps and graphs. Some can even be connected to apps for homeowners to access wherever they are.

The Impact with Fight the Flood

Fight the Flood is working to connect companies with homeowners who want a technical solution to monitoring water levels on their properties, technology that can be set to automatically give homeowners alerts.

Monitors and apps exist to provide official flood warnings from the National Weather Service, water heights in feet, current conditions as compared to history, push notifications, graphs and more.

A car drives along a small road, surrounded by marsh grasses and flooded from a storm











Property Owners

Many homes and families on the Middle Peninsula have never experienced the devastation that comes with flooding. But the times are changing. Start thinking about protecting your property now, and how Fight the Flood can help. Start by submitting your information so that Fight the Flood staff can evaluate your needs and potentially respond with funding opportunities.

Contractors or Consultants

Does your business provide services to property owners to help them mitigate rising sea water, rain-induced flooding and more? Fight the Flood would like to hear from you, and potentially connect you to property owners who could use your help.

More Info

About Us

Simply put, Fight the Flood connects property owners to contractors who can help them protect their property from rising flood waters and the financial tools available to fund those projects.

Submit Now

Start the process of getting access to grants, loans and other financial assistance through the Fight the Flood program by submitting your information online.

Want to help?

Have a business that can help property owners fight the flood? We want to hear from you. Contact us to learn how to get your business included in the Fight the Flood program.

Want to Fight the Flood in Your Community?

Download more information here about how to bring this program to your coastal community.