So you’ve seen water close to your home time and time again. Or, perhaps you’ve flooded more than once. Now you wonder: do you raise your house? Do you move your house?
The Challenge
Imagine this.
You’re a homeowner who lives in the rural coastal landscape of the Middle Peninsula.
A couple decades ago, during the often-referenced Hurricane Isabel, your house flooded.
Insurance paid for the repairs. You lived in a temporary home for a while and then moved back home.
Then another storm came.
And more flooding.
And another one, with more flooding.
Chances are you grew tired of these repetitive losses from storms and floods. Chances are you started wondering if there was a longer-term solution. Chances are you know you will flood again.
That’s when you start thinking something you may have thought was not possible.
Can you raise a home? Can you move a home?

The Solution (The Answer)

Yes and yes.
Raising and moving a home are solutions Fight the Flood calls structural.
There are two main ways homeowners can relocate their homes away from the water.
You can go up or out. That is, you can lift the house or move it farther away from the water.
For those homeowners who identify vertical as the best solution, that allows for future flood waters to pass directly underneath a structure. Most are raised using beam and hydraulic jack technologies to a local government standard set in the homeowner’s community, generally risen to what’s called base flood elevation or higher.
For those who see moving a house farther away from the flood waters, the first hurdle is identifying if there is a path to move the house and if it would land in a less flood prone location.
The Impact with Fight the Flood
Fight the Flood has curated vetted companies with deep experience in providing structural solutions for homeowners facing rising floodwaters. These companies have experience in elevating and moving residential structures (and even lighthouses).

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Other Solutions
Property Owners
Many homes and families on the Middle Peninsula have never experienced the devastation that comes with flooding. But the times are changing. Start thinking about protecting your property now, and how Fight the Flood can help. Start by submitting your information so that Fight the Flood staff can evaluate your needs and potentially respond with funding opportunities.
Contractors or Consultants
Does your business provide services to property owners to help them mitigate rising sea water, rain-induced flooding and more? Fight the Flood would like to hear from you, and potentially connect you to property owners who could use your help.
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