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328 Office Square Lane
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462, US
328 Office Square Lane Virginia Beach Virginia 23462 US
Flood Insurance Hampton Roads will offer a 10% discount to verified Fight the Flood members for projects under $10,000.

Flood Insurance Hampton Roads is a full service insurance agency serving all of Virginia and North Carolina. Their flood mitigation services makes them unique in the market. They provide property owners with the knowledge they need to bring their structures into compliance with today’s flood codes. This enables them to lower their flood insurance premiums, makes their structures more flood resistant and reduces the chance of displacement after the storm. Flood Insurance Hampton Roads has successfully designed over 1,000 mitigation projects.

Services include the following:

  • Process elevation certificates
  • Provide FEMA compliant flood mitigation designs
  • Perform comprehensive flood insurance analysis
  • Provide construction companies with reports for FEMA compliance
  • Work with survey firms to complete the update elevation certificates
  • Work with realtors to assist with the buying and selling of homes in high risk flood zones
  • Work with clients to consult with them concerning lifting and moving homes
  • Work with business concerning wet and dry flood proofing commercial properties
  • Offer home, auto and other insurance products
Flood-Insurance-logo.jpg 5 years ago
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About Us

Simply put, Fight the Flood connects property owners to contractors who can help them protect their property from rising flood waters and the financial tools available to fund those projects.

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