These are a few of the simple, indisputable facts about the growing chances for flooding and why you need to contact your insurance agent about flood insurance.

  • FLOODS ARE THE MOST COMMON NATURAL HAZARDS. Ninety percent of all natural disasters in the U.S. involve some type of flooding.
  • ANYWHERE IT CAN RAIN, IT CAN FLOOD. It’s true; rain causes flooding. Over the past 70 years, heavy rainfall events have become more intense and frequent in our area and will only continue to increase.
  • HOMEOWNERS AND RENTERS INSURANCE POLICIES DO NOT COVER FLOOD DAMAGE. Damage resulting from flooding must typically be insured by a separate policy.
  • ONE INCH OF FLOODING CAN COST MORE THAN $25,000. One inch of water inside the home could cause over $23,000 in damages and more than $3,000 in personal property costs on average.
  • LOW-RISK DOES NOT MEAN NO-RISK. Properties outside of high-risk flood zones can flood. Flood insurance can offer you some peace of mind.
  • YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOURSELF AS OUR FLOOD RISKS CONTINUE TO GROW. In neighboring Hampton Roads, uninsured residents impacted by Hurricane Matthew received around $4,000 in assistance from FEMA whereas those with flood insurance received an average of $35,000.

Want to protect yourself? Register now to become a member of the Fight the Flood program and gain access to more information, tools to finance efforts to protect your property and get the help you need to fight the flood.

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About Us

Simply put, Fight the Flood connects property owners to contractors who can help them protect their property from rising flood waters and the financial tools available to fund those projects.

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Start the process of getting access to grants, loans and other financial assistance through the Fight the Flood program by submitting your information online.

Want to help?

Have a business that can help property owners fight the flood? We want to hear from you. Contact us to learn how to get your business included in the Fight the Flood program.

Want to Fight the Flood in Your Community?

Download more information here about how to bring this program to your coastal community.