All businesses listed in this directory provide services to the Middle Peninsula.
- Please search by category or terms related to a company's service. -Hagerstown, Maryland 21742, US
Muscle Wall is… a flood barrier system company that uses durable, hollow, walls that can be quickly moved into place to divert or contain water. Our reusable 2-foot, 4-foot, and 8-foot-tall walls when filled with water give them added stability. Time is money and Muscle Wall saves both. One 4ft x 6ft wall is equivalent to 468 sand bags. They have a UV rating of 10 years and can be set in place as a permanent solution or easily stack and store in a small area per our patented “L” shaped design.
Muscle Wall is a product not a service. We can demo how to deploy and suggest applications.
Muscle Wall was recently awarded FM Approval as well as a Certification of Compliance of all testing by the USACE for 2ft, 3ft, and 4ft Muscle Wall products. Muscle Wall is the only product on the market to receive this approval by the USACE for a flood control barrier at 4 feet high.
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