All businesses listed in this directory provide services to the Middle Peninsula.
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Garbarino Construction.png
Garbarino Construction.png
3807 Cook Boulevard
Chesapeake, Virginia 23323, US
3807 Cook Boulevard Chesapeake Virginia 23323 US

From commercial buildings, waterfront residences to large scale bulkheads Garbarino Construction has worked on many of the structures seen in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton, Virginia. Additionally, Garbarino Construction has completed pile projects in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Maryland & North Carolina.


Family owned and operated for over 35+ years, Garbarino Construction understands the value of trust on the job site. Nick and Ryan Garbarino (brothers) know how to efficiently and effectively collaborate to meet the clients timelines and budgetary needs. From strategy sessions, safety meetings and pre-construction cross functional contractor sessions, Garbarino Construction will always be a value added partner on the project.

Pile Driving
Foundation Piles
Sheet Piling
Wood Piling
Concrete Piling
Steel Piling
Helical Piles
Crane Rental
Truck / Heavy Hauling
Storage and Rigging

Garbarino_s-HC80-Crane-with-fixed-leads-pile-driving-concrete-piles.jpg 4 years ago
The-Retreat-apartments-Chesapeake-Virginia.-800-concrete-piles1.jpg 4 years ago
The-Retreat-apartments-Chesapeake-Virginia.-800-concrete-piles.jpg 4 years ago
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Garbarino-Senior-Operator-Kyle-Sisson-and-his-pile-driving-crew-at-the-Front-Street-Lofts-Norfolk-Virginia-for-Breeden.jpg 4 years ago
Garbarino Construction.png 4 years ago
Showing 6 results
123 West Tazewell Street
Norfolk, Virginia 23510, US
10.36 km

*Emerging company and RISE winner.

Introducing RAFT: Bioretention Made Simple RAFT intercepts stormwater runoff in urban environments where space is limited, and retrofits are difficult. We’ve made urban raingardens quick and easy to install by simplifying the structure holding it. InfraSGA is developing green infrastructure that is attainable by all and feasible for wide market adoption. The challenge is creating a product suitable for a range of site conditions, without need for specialty contractors, and cost-effective for wide adoption. Our debut product RAFT makes green stormwater infrastructure effective within tough urban environments like streetscapes, plazas, and parking lots. Designed to be installed by a small crew of three, the system is perfect for rapid deployment by a public works department using basic construction knowledge. RAFT provides our cities and towns more opportunities to try green stormwater solutions that reduce deadly floods and protect our natural waterway resources.

Specializing in Green Stormwater Infrastructure Manufacturing, Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, Urban Planning.

Licensed Professional Landscape Architects
Licensed Professional Urban Planners
Licensed Professional Civil Engineers
RISE Resilience Innovations (x2) Funding Recipient




536 West 35th Street
Norfolk, Virginia 23508, US
12.96 km
Building Resilient Solutions will offer verified Fight the Flood members a free initial consultation and free use of our specialized background conditions data collection and moisture monitoring equipment to help understand the cause and impact of water penetration in your building. This data will help inform our recommendations for flood-resilient retrofit design solutions that are specific to and appropriate for your building and site.

Building Resilient Solutions provides clients with technology, data and professional experience to address recurrent flooding in existing buildings. Using a combination of monitoring equipment, data collection, past study and experience, the BRS team can assist property owners with diagnosing the cause and developing recommended solutions to address recurrent flooding and its negative impacts.

Services include the following:

  • Building specific moisture monitoring
  • Custom retrofit design
  • Retrofits for non-traditional moisture problems
  • Post-retrofit moisture monitoring
  • Retrofit solutions for existing buildings
  • Traditional building retrofits
628 Ravenwoods Drive
Chesapeake, Virginia 23322, US
17.77 km

An open, honest and transparent assessment of your water resources challenges.
Silver Jackets Program Manager while with the Norfolk District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Flood Risk Management Business Line Manager while with the Norfolk District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Building upon over 30 years of federal service, Shore Consulting Group provides a wide array of services to our water resources clients. Flood risk management services include structural and non structural solution sets which address both sea level rise and land subsidence issues. One of the first water resources professionals to publicly acknowledge and respond to this phenomena in the coastal and riverine environments of the Chesapeake Bay, our nation’s largest estuary. Environmental services include compliance with Section 404 of the Clean Water Act , Sections 10 and 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and restoration opportunities. Well versed in Section 408 requirements to assist applicants with evaluations which ensure that their projects are not injurious to the public interest and will not impair the usefulness of Civil Works projects. Well versed in joining engineering and science based decision making to provide actionable outcomes to your water resources challenges.

  • Flooding
  • Flood Risk Management
  • Navigation
  • Environmental Compliance and Restoration
  • Water Resources Policy
  • Watershed Management

328 Office Square Lane
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462, US
19.52 km
Flood Insurance Hampton Roads will offer a 10% discount to verified Fight the Flood members for projects under $10,000.

Flood Insurance Hampton Roads is a full service insurance agency serving all of Virginia and North Carolina. Their flood mitigation services makes them unique in the market. They provide property owners with the knowledge they need to bring their structures into compliance with today’s flood codes. This enables them to lower their flood insurance premiums, makes their structures more flood resistant and reduces the chance of displacement after the storm. Flood Insurance Hampton Roads has successfully designed over 1,000 mitigation projects.

Services include the following:

  • Process elevation certificates
  • Provide FEMA compliant flood mitigation designs
  • Perform comprehensive flood insurance analysis
  • Provide construction companies with reports for FEMA compliance
  • Work with survey firms to complete the update elevation certificates
  • Work with realtors to assist with the buying and selling of homes in high risk flood zones
  • Work with clients to consult with them concerning lifting and moving homes
  • Work with business concerning wet and dry flood proofing commercial properties
  • Offer home, auto and other insurance products
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1209 Baker Rd. Suite 503
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23455, US
20.18 km

Water damage can happen to any property. Home Mechanix, LLC is a dynamic team of professionals that can mitigate potential issues and protect your investments. Home Mechanix is fully insured and bonded and will get your building up to FEMA compliance. Evaluations are always free!

Home Mechanix, LLC has a Class B contractors license. We know FEMA mitigation codes and have successfully mitigated over 500 homes in Hampton Roads. We understand the diagrams of structures and the approach required to make properties compliant with the NFIP.

We have implemented several processes that make the mitigation paperwork headache much easier. One of which is a report that we provide for our customers called the Flood Mitigation Compliance Report. Our FMCR has all mitigation notes required by FEMA & the underwriters and gathers & displays all work performed by HMMX between the homeowner, the surveyor, the insurance company involved & with the underwriters, helping make the certification of the structure compliant. This has proven to be a tremendous help for all involved. Also Home Mechanix was a semi-finalist with RISE in 2018, 1 of 7 out 52, chosen for a patent pending idea that Home Mechanix presented for flood mitigation. We have currently filed 5 patent-pending devices that are directed toward flood mitigation, one of which our latest, we will be publicly displaying soon as game changer, market disrupter, for crawl spaces that flood regularly….stay tuned.

Click here to view our appearance yesterday on the Hampton Roads Show.

• flood vent design & installation
• basement to crawlspace conversions
• crawl spaces & fills
• flood prevention
• flood proofing

• dry wells
• mechanical drains
• crawlspace drainage systems
• basement drain systems

• pier supports
• foundation jacks
• joist sistering
• girder & seal repairs
• floor leveling

• clean outs & repairs
• vapor barrier installation
• ventilation systems
• insulation installation
• foundation vents & door repairs
• encapsulations

582 Lynnhaven Parkway
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452, US
27.81 km

We strive to promote environmental stewardship and restoration in all that we do. Ensuring a culture of health and safety, providing extraordinary marine infrastructure solutions, growing our business, inspiring future generations and building a solid foundation of excellence and integrity that is second to none. Providing services and building partnerships that encompass our customer’s mission, vision and goals, both short and long-term.


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4556 Blackwater Road
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23457, US
28.64 km

Expert House Movers install helical and push piers to solve foundation settlement problems caused by unsuitable soil conditions. They provide strong and reliable systems for repairing heavy industrial, commercial, and residential foundations. If your building’s foundation is in need of review or repair, contact Expert House Movers.


Expert House Movers knows how devastating a flood can be which is why they work with homeowners to develop reliable and long-lasting flood mitigation. They will consult your need to prescribe any combination services, including consulting for insurance needs, to make sure that you are protected with paperwork and preventative measures to keep your structure out of the flood.


Expert House Movers re-position buildings on or off site. They assess the building, property, and transit route to the new location in order to determine a safe, efficient, and cost-effective way to relocate your structure intact.


Expert House Movers knows that every piece of property is unique, not to mention the specific qualities of your structure. They work with property owners to customize a solution no matter if your home is historic, industrial, or residential.

1008 Old Virginia Beach Road, Suite 200
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451, US
34.57 km

WSSI employs nearly 200 engineers, environmental scientists, arborists, regulatory specialists, GIS specialists, archeologists, surveyors, compliance inspectors, and ecosystem specialists across five offices in the Mid-Atlantic. We currently maintain over 26 Certified Arborists, 25 Professional Wetland Scientists, 14 Professional Engineers, 6 Certified Floodplain Managers, 4 Certified Ecologists, and numerous other employees that hold professional licensure or certifications and advanced training or degrees relevant to the Fight the Flood Program.

• Environmental Science, including delineation of wetlands and other Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS)
• §404/401 Clean Water Act Permitting and Compliance
• NEPA Studies and Documents
• Civil, Stormwater, and Water Resources Engineering
• Environmental Compliance
• Stream & Wetland Restoration & Mitigation
• Ecosystem Restoration and Management
• Cultural Resource Investigations
• Land and Bathymetric Surveying
• Forest Conservation, Urban Forestry Planning, & Specialized Tree Preservation
• GIS/Mapping Services
• Environmental Site Assessments and Hazardous Materials Investigations
• Air Quality Studies and Permitting
• Chesapeake Bay Act Studies, Permitting, and Compliance
• §303e Clean Water Act Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Projects
• UAV and Reality Capture Services

127 Edmond Drive
Newport News, Virginia 23606, US
34.67 km
Biogenic Solutions Consulting, LLC will offer a 15% discount to verified Fight the Flood members.

Biogenic Solutions Consulting, LLC has invested years into biogenic breakwater reef technology. Expertise in oyster reef restoration and living shorelines has enabled them to offer novel, biogenic solutions to private homeowners, commercial waterfront properties, and municipalities seeking more natural, sustainable approaches to shoreline protection and oyster reef development. They proudly state that their systems provide a reprieve from erosive wave energy, accelerate oyster reef community development, and allow for customization suitable to address both physical and budgetary constraints specific to each project site.

Services include the following:

  • Living Shoreline Design Planning
  • Assistance with Acquisition of Permits
  • Fabrication Concrete Reefs (aka ‘Biogenic Breakwaters’)
  • Guidance with Living Shoreline Assistance Programs
  • Construction, Deployment, and Monitoring of Living Shoreline Reef Projects
  • Underwater Videography Using ROVs and other Camera Systems
  • Water Quality Assessments
  • Performance of Field Surveys, including Riparian Zones and Subtidal Aquatic Habitats
  • Provision of Other Environmental Consulting Services, As Requested


2227 Hayes Road
Gloucester Point, Virginia 23072, US
55.59 km

Early Marine Construction, Inc. is locally owned and operated residential and commercial marine contractor with over 14 years of experience in the Middle Peninsula. Our services include docks and piers, bulkheads, jetties and groins, riprap, shoreline erosion control, dredging, and boat lift installation.

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1643 Merrimac Trail
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185, US
57.37 km

Founded in 1988, Engineering Consulting Services (ECS) is a leader in geotechnical, construction materials, environmental and facilities engineering. Today, with 2,000 employees, ECS has grown to more than 70 offices and testing facilities spread across the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Southeast and Southwest. ECS is currently ranked 69 in Engineering News-Record’s Top 500 Design Firms (ENR, April 2020) and 154 in Engineering News-Record’s Top 200 Environmental Firms (ENR, July 2020).

351 McLaws Circle
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185, US
57.76 km

VHB provides planning, engineering, and design services for clients in the federal, state, and local governments; institutional; real estate; and energy markets. We bring more than 40 years of experience in coastal engineering, resiliency planning and design, and shoreline engineering. More information can be found at

VHB’s engineers, scientists, planners, and designers partner with public and private sector clients in the transportation, real estate, institutional, and energy industries, as well as federal, state, and local governments. Together, we work to enhance communities and economic vitality, improve mobility, and balance development and infrastructure needs with environmental stewardship. We’re a team—1,800 strong—eager to deliver value by embracing our clients’ goals, anticipating challenges, building lasting partnerships, and always providing an exceptional experience. VHB brings collective knowledge, technical excellence, and a wide network of trusted relationships across our footprint to deliver value. When you have a team with such a broad range of experience, it’s only natural to look at projects from every angle and ask the types of questions that lead to better solutions. That’s what we do at VHB—we help our clients make the right decisions to move their projects forward.

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5140 Old Rosewell Plantation Road
Gloucester, Virginia 23061, US
62 km

Class B Marine Contractor, Responsible Land Disturber

Riverworks, Inc. offers erosion control services, living shorelines, breakwaters, revetments, docks, boat houses and lifts, and green solutions for traditional problems. We are now in the second generation of leadership, with decades of experience in Virginia around the water. We have hundreds (if not thousands) of projects still in service around Tidewater, VA. We were an early proponent of living shorelines when other contractors were practicing traditional methods, and our projects from 30 years ago are still robust and functioning well. We refuse to cut corners on projects and stand behind all of our work with pride.

Free original consultation, estimates, and designs. We expedite projects where a quality of life issue is occurring, and prioritize emergency projects to the best of our ability to prevent further loss of property or damage.

  • Living shorelines
  • Erosion control services
  • Grading
  • Stormwater control
  • Breakwaters
  • Rip-Rap
  • Revetments
  • Oyster Reefs
  • Docks
  • Boat houses
  • Boat lifts
  • Drainage
5481 Old Shipyard Lane
Gloucester, Virginia 23061, US
65.12 km

Marine construction, living shoreline design and build. Design, permitting and construction.

7319 Martin Street
Gloucester, Virginia 23061, US
71.56 km
Alistair J. Ramsay L.S. is a small business in the Middle Peninsula concerned with producing high quality work in a timely fashion in the interest of our clients.

We provide many professional services in Gloucester, Mattews, Middlesex, King and Queen Counties:

  • Boundary Surveys
  • Subdivisions Major/Minor
  • Topographic surveys
  • Site Plans
  • Physical Surveys
  • Flood Certificates
  • Chesapeake Bay Plans
  • Construction Layout
  • Plans of Development
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plan

If you’d like to visit us, our office is in Suite 6 of the Heritage House office building on Martin Street. The Heritage House is behind Jessica’s Sweet Shop and Cafe. Business Hours are 7:00AM to 5:00PM, other hours available by appointment.

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16547 General Puller Highway
Deltaville, Virginia 23043, US
85.82 km

Meredith Marine Construction LLC is located in Deltaville, Virginia. Licensed & Insured, Class A Contractor Michael Meredith specializes in piers, bulkheads, boat lifts, rock/ riprap, marina repairs, fill dirt/ sand.

838 Long Point Lane
Topping, Virginia 23169, US
92.37 km
Reeftek, LLC will offer a 20% discount to verified Fight the Flood members.

Reeftek, LLC is an innovative environmental company using oysters as the foundation for its EPA-approved In Situ Nutrient Remediation Program; Modular Reef Program for Resilience and Restoration; Oysters For Life to provide public participation in restoring natural resources and protecting the watermen and waterfront communities through oyster aquaculture.

Services include the following:

  • Oyster Reef Projects: Public or private projects
  • Nutrient Offset Credits: Compliance or Voluntary Markets
  • Oyster aquaculture program for restoration projects
  • Oyster aquaculture program for State participation
  • Living Memorial Reef Program
13634 Tidewater Trail
Saluda, Virginia 23149, US
92.79 km

ReadyReef provides shoreline erosion control services from design, permitting, manufacturing, transport, install, and maintenance. Their mission is to make projects as natural and environmentally optimal as possible using living sills (oyster reefs), living shores, and hybrid high slope, vegetated products like Flexamat and Envirolok. Their vision is for stable, yet dynamic erosion control protection that delivers the least cost solution over time.

Services include the following:

  • Initial free consultation service
  • Design
  • Fully up-to-date information regarding grant funding, laws, and regulations
  • Permitting services to get regulatory project approval
  • Project Installation
  • Warranty Services
  • Annual Maintenance
  • Option to provide oyster reefs with live animals on them

Richmond office located at: 504 Smoketree Court, Richmond, Chesterfield, Virginia 23236, USA

422 Chesapeake Drive
White Stone, Virginia 22578, US
96.35 km

Docks of the Bay has over 20 years of marine construction experience and successfully completed jobs including but not limited to dredging, living shorelines, shoreline stabilization and restoration, bulkheads and jetties, boardwalks, bank grading and slope stabilization, boat ramps, marina construction, breakwaters and rock sills, oyster sills, geotube installation, marsh plantings, beach nourishment and of course dock construction. Docks of the Bay has the right equipment, skilled and experience operators, licensed USGC Captains and certified divers on staff to compete the project. No two projects are the same, and Docks of the Bay incorporates the client’s goals and given site conditions to customize a solution that will yield results. Our extensive experience and past performance provide us the tools to design, plan and execute projects both big and small and provide the client with a professional experience.

Services include:

  • Bulkheads
  • Dredging
  • Pile driving: wood, fiberglass, & concrete
  • Boat ramp construction
  • Underwater construction and diving capabilities
  • New dock construction: floating and fixed
  • Demolition
  • Rip-rap
  • Beach nourishment
  • Tree removal
  • Storm water management
  • Soil lifts
  • Clearing and grubbing
  • Stream bank and riparian seeding
  • Outfall stabilization
  • Coffer dams
  • Live stakes
  • Log sills
  • Coir matting
  • Living shorelines
  • Pond construction
  • Concrete finishing
  • Utilities Site grading and preparation
  • Site restoration and plantings

Offering free consultation and cost estimates.


40 Cross Street
Urbanna, Virginia 23175, US
96.57 km

Bay Design Group is a full service Land Surveying and Civil Engineering firm located in Urbanna, VA and has served the Northern Neck and Middle Peninsula Region for the past 46 years. Our licensed professionals design all different marine environment applications including, but not limited to Breakwaters with Beach Nourishment, Living Shorelines of varying characteristics, docks/piers, marina boat slips, RipRap Revetments and bulkheads. We help our clients to come up with the most effective shoreline improvements to ensure a long-lasting approach.

Specific services available to customers:

  • Topographic/Hydrographic Surveys
  • Boundary Surveys
  • Shoreline Stabilization Improvement Plans
  • Joint Permit Applications
  • Riparian Apportionment Surveys
  • Bay Act Development Plans
  • Grading/Drainage and Stormwater Management Plans
  • Elevation Certificates
  • Site Plans
  • Wetland Delineations & Environmental Permitting

Specific Certifications:

Licensed Land Surveyors (3)
Licensed Professional Engineers (2)
Licensed to do business in VA & NC

Showing 20 results
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Simply put, Fight the Flood connects property owners to contractors who can help them protect their property from rising flood waters and the financial tools available to fund those projects.

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