All businesses listed in this directory provide services to the Middle Peninsula.
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ECOJOHN _Logo_Art_R (1)-1.png
ECOJOHN _Logo_Art_R (1)-1.png
Lake House.png
6148 Getty Drive
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72117, US
6148 Getty Drive North Little Rock Arkansas 72117 US

*Emerging in Virginia

The first ECOJOHN® models were developed in the early 1990’s and ever since, thousands of units have been installed around the world. Our clients consist of residential customers who install them in cottages, guest houses, RV’s etc. Our product will solve challenges with Septic fields, cesspool and lagoons. Our product is a low to no emission product that eliminates the need for septic fields.

Other clients also include large corporations, worldwide governments, disaster relief, US military, and other international MoD. They are manufactured using the highest quality materials available and built to last.

Our company’s headquarters is located in North Little Rock, AR. Our team of experts have more than 30 years’ experience in waste combustion and our engineers are constantly developing new and improved solutions to ensure we provide the ultimate technology and the highest quality products for our customers.


ECOJOHN _Logo_Art_R (1)-1.png 5 months ago
SepticJohn-2.jpg 5 months ago
Lake House.png 5 months ago
1700C-maint.jpg 5 months ago
ecojohn.png 5 months ago
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About Us

Simply put, Fight the Flood connects property owners to contractors who can help them protect their property from rising flood waters and the financial tools available to fund those projects.

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