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15871 City View Drive
Midlothian, Virginia 23113, US
15871 City View Drive Midlothian Virginia 23113 US
Balzer and Associates, Inc. will offer a 5-10% discount to verified Fight the Flood members.

Balzer and Associates, Inc. is a multi-disciplinary development consultant that can handle project from beginning to end. Services include surveying, civil engineering, architecture, environmental engineering and permitting, structural engineering and soils analysis.

Services include the following:

• Surveying
• Civil Engineering
• Structural Engineering
• Architecture
• Environmental Engineering
• Soils/Septic/AOSE
• Landscape Architecture
• Environmental Permitting
• Floodplain Analysis

logo-balzer.jpg 5 years ago
Showing 1 result
1408 Roseneath Road
Richmond, Virginia 23230, US
20.84 km

RES, a design-build environmental restoration firm, is a certified Class A Contractor in Virginia. We also have our engineering license. Many of our staff hold Professional Engineer (PE) licenses, Professional Wetland Delineator (PWD) certifications, Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) certifications, Rosgen trained designers, and Certified Floodplain Managers (CFM) , among others.

As the nation’s largest ecological restoration company, RES supports the public and private sector with solutions for environmental mitigation, stormwater and water quality, and climate and flooding resilience. RES has a unique operating model for delivering ecological uplift, based on science-led design, full delivery, long-term stewardship, and guaranteed performance. RES designs, builds, and sustains sites that preserve the environmental balance, lifting impaired ecosystems into restored health and ultimately, self-sufficiency.

RES works closely and creatively with developers, operators, landowners, and regulatory agencies to balance the needs of the client, community, and the resource. We employ teams covering the full project lifecycle, combining in-house analytics and technical expertise with implementational resources and capabilities.

RES’ experience includes the restoration, enhancement, and preservation of 62,637 acres of wetlands and over 525 miles of streams.

RES will not require any assistance in obtaining capital for projects conducted under the Fight the Flood program. Ecological restoration and water resource solutions involve a suite of performance obligations not typically found in voluntary conservation projects, and RES’ business model is tailored specifically for executing restoration projects and providing all associated financial assurances. RES has significant operating capital and a robust balance sheet that will provide ample capacity to fund project implementation through acceptance of the project by clients and any associated monitoring periods.

RES is in a strong financial position and has the financial wherewithal to self-finance project-related cash flows. RES’ asset and cash position, as well as its credit capacity, enables a strategy of managing project capitalization without third-party financing, thus providing clients with a lower overall cost.


1892 Fairground Road
Maidens, Virginia 23102, US
23.25 km

Native Shorelines is a turn-key provider of Living Shorelines to private landowners, communities, institutions, and any riparian landowner experiencing shoreline erosion. We handle the entire process from initial landowner outreach through permitting and installation. We offer Living Shorelines that are an environmentally superior, competitively priced alternative to hardened bulkheads and seawalls. As a more effective and environmentally sound solution, Living Shorelines can improve water quality, provide fisheries habitat, increase biodiversity, and promote recreation. Native Shorelines utilizes its patent-pending QuickReef modules which are made from predominantly native materials. Installation is conducted by hand, wherever possible, and integrated within the landscape to minimize disruption to the existing conditions at the site. Our QuickReef modules act as natural barriers to wave energy, actively trap sediment, and allow marshes to accrete and adapt as sea level rises.

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1301 Willis Road
Richmond, Virginia 23237, US
28.53 km

Harbor Dredge & Dock (HDD) is a full service Class A General Contractor specializing in Dredging, Marine, Utilities, Stormwater Management, Dam and Lake Services projects for government, commercial, and private sectors. The owners, have over 30 plus years’ experience in civil construction, heavy utility contractor, mechanical dredging, pile driving, retaining walls, timber construction, shoreline development, living shorelines and stream water restoration. Harbor Dredge & Dock has experience dredging and construction for tidal waterways, lakes, rivers, streams and canals. Our portable equipment allows us to service a wide variety of applications in the Mid Atlantic area. We are a Women Owned Small Business firm registered with Federal and local governments.

DEQ certified in Stormwater Management systems along with a Commercial and Residential Builders Certificate with a specialty in Marine Construction. We have annual contracts with numerous counties to repair or create new drainage structures to manage stormwater.

Services include – Stormwater BMP’s Inspector Construct, Fix and Maintain the 15 Nonproprietary Stormwater BMP’s Detention / Retention Ponds Culvert Replacement / Rehab Inlet/Outfall Rehab/Replacement Living Shoreline Restore / Creation Storm Drains Channel improvements Fore Bay Installation Dredging Articulated Concrete Matting Curb Drainage Pavement Drainage Inlet/Catch Basin Repairs Temporary Erosion Control Permanent Erosion Repairs Earthen Embankments CIVIL CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Sewer / Water Utilities Pipe Restoration Erosion Control Clearing and Grubbing Retention Ponds Subsurface Drainage Demolition Curb / Gutter Drainage Grading Detention Ponds

MARINE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Design / Build Services Elevated Walkways / Bridges Kayak Launches Piers / Floating Docks Boat Houses Rip Rap Dam / Spillway Repair – Replacement Trails Pile Driving Boat Ramps Bulkheads Cofferdams Marinas Salvage Work


351 McLaws Circle
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185, US
96.29 km

VHB provides planning, engineering, and design services for clients in the federal, state, and local governments; institutional; real estate; and energy markets. We bring more than 40 years of experience in coastal engineering, resiliency planning and design, and shoreline engineering. More information can be found at

VHB’s engineers, scientists, planners, and designers partner with public and private sector clients in the transportation, real estate, institutional, and energy industries, as well as federal, state, and local governments. Together, we work to enhance communities and economic vitality, improve mobility, and balance development and infrastructure needs with environmental stewardship. We’re a team—1,800 strong—eager to deliver value by embracing our clients’ goals, anticipating challenges, building lasting partnerships, and always providing an exceptional experience. VHB brings collective knowledge, technical excellence, and a wide network of trusted relationships across our footprint to deliver value. When you have a team with such a broad range of experience, it’s only natural to look at projects from every angle and ask the types of questions that lead to better solutions. That’s what we do at VHB—we help our clients make the right decisions to move their projects forward.

13634 Tidewater Trail
Saluda, Virginia 23149, US
96.98 km

ReadyReef provides shoreline erosion control services from design, permitting, manufacturing, transport, install, and maintenance. Their mission is to make projects as natural and environmentally optimal as possible using living sills (oyster reefs), living shores, and hybrid high slope, vegetated products like Flexamat and Envirolok. Their vision is for stable, yet dynamic erosion control protection that delivers the least cost solution over time.

Services include the following:

  • Initial free consultation service
  • Design
  • Fully up-to-date information regarding grant funding, laws, and regulations
  • Permitting services to get regulatory project approval
  • Project Installation
  • Warranty Services
  • Annual Maintenance
  • Option to provide oyster reefs with live animals on them

Richmond office located at: 504 Smoketree Court, Richmond, Chesterfield, Virginia 23236, USA

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1643 Merrimac Trail
Williamsburg, Virginia 23185, US
97.05 km

Founded in 1988, Engineering Consulting Services (ECS) is a leader in geotechnical, construction materials, environmental and facilities engineering. Today, with 2,000 employees, ECS has grown to more than 70 offices and testing facilities spread across the Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, Southeast and Southwest. ECS is currently ranked 69 in Engineering News-Record’s Top 500 Design Firms (ENR, April 2020) and 154 in Engineering News-Record’s Top 200 Environmental Firms (ENR, July 2020).

Showing 6 results
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Simply put, Fight the Flood connects property owners to contractors who can help them protect their property from rising flood waters and the financial tools available to fund those projects.

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